Adoption of statistical methods for recurrent events may offer benefits in future investigations in multiple sclerosis (MS) research and clinical trials – ECTRIMS 2024

2024, 19 September

| < 1 min read|
Grégoire Dugast
Thumbnail for the poster entitled "Analyzing Recurrent Events in Multiple Sclerosis: A Review of Statistical Models with Application to MSOAC Trial" presented at ECTRIMS 2024

Quentin Pilard (Senior Biostatistician) and David Herman (Biostatistician) are presenting our poster entitled “Analyzing Recurrent Events in Multiple Sclerosis: A Review of Statistical Models with Application to MSOAC Trial” at ECTRIMS 2024 (European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis) in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Discover how pharmaceutical companies can optimize clinical trials in multiple sclerosis (MS) by applying statistical methods for recurrent events to precisely define primary efficacy endpoints, ultimately strengthening the case for drug approval.

Congratulations to the team behind this publication : David Herman, Julien Tanniou, Nicolas Lambert, Paul Loustalot and Quentin Pilard.

Quentin Pilard (Senior Biostatistician) and David Herman (Biostatisticien) are presenting our poster entitled “Analyzing Recurrent Events in Multiple Sclerosis: A Review of Statistical Models with Application to MSOAC Trial” at ECTRIMS 2024 (European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis).

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