Quinten Health joins the partners of the AGORiA SANTE consortium as an expert in real-world digital twins

2024, 12 February

| 2 min read|
Grégoire Dugast

As an expert in data analysis, modeling, and advanced simulation for health decision support, we will contribute to the identification of new use cases and the implementation of projects for the analysis and exploitation of health data.

Paris, February 12, 2024 – A pioneering company in the field of artificial intelligence applied to healthcare, Quinten Health, a leader in real-world patient digital twins, is now a partner of the AGORIA SANTÉ consortium.

Quinten Health joins a community that brings together experts in health and real-world data science contributing to the improvement of healthcare through Real-World Data leveraging in a sovereign, secure, and GDPR-compliant environment.

With over 15 years of expertise in AI and real-world data science, Quinten Health has mastered the entire value chain from data collection to their use in a wide range of use cases supporting medical innovation.
With its technologies, know-how, and numerous projects for pharmaceutical laboratories and health authorities, Quinten Health becomes a major partner for AGORIA SANTÉ in terms of consortium data exploitation methods.

AGORiA SANTÉ aims to provide Real-World Health Data (DSVR) within a controlled legal framework, supporting research projects for both public and private entities. Complementing the Health Data Hub, the consortium contributes to the development of innovation to position France as a leader in digital health. The proposed DSVR platform is sovereign, secure, and adheres to transparency and trust standards, meeting the needs of authorities for efficient access and processing of health data. Led by Docaposte with AstraZeneca, Impact Healthcare, and Takeda, AGORiA SANTÉ already brings together 15 other partners in the consortium: INOVIE, Medexprim, Mapatho, CODOC, Bot Design, SKEZI, SANCARE, etc.

This new partnership with Quinten Health will allow us to explore new use cases in the platform, in particular thanks to its expertise in real-life patient simulation. Our collaboration with Quinten Health is part of Agoria’s 2024 ambition, aiming to supply the warehouse with data of interest for clinical research,” announces Diane-Charlotte BAILLET, Director of the AGORiA SANTĒ consortium..

The system implemented by AGORiA SANTĒ already allows for significant time savings in data exploitation for biomedical research. We look forward to contributing to the development of new use cases to accelerate and de-risk therapeutic innovation,” emphasizes Alexandre TEMPLIER, President of Quinten Health.


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